Picasso Museum

Picasso Museum

It’s quite unexpected, but much appreciated, to find this art museum in a northern German town. Discover facts about this renowned Spanish artist when you browse its collection.

The building opened its doors at the turn of this century and interest in the Picasso Museum in Münster keeps increasing. This is understandable considering the stature of this icon and that it’s Germany’s only museum dedicated to the artist. Tour this 6,458 square foot (600 square meter) space that contains more than 800 prints from this talented painter.

The majority of lithographs come from an extensive collection belonging to Germany’s Gert Huizinga who has greatly admired Picasso’s work. Visit this art museum at various intervals to find the exhibition has changed to focus on various aspects of Picasso’s life and his work.

Explore Picasso’s lithographic work and peruse the Suite Vollard, a collection of prints with a minotaur one of the central themes. Study over 100 linocuts of his regular subjects on bullfighting and portraits.

The lithographic works of other important artists, including Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse and Georges Braque, have also been represented at this museum. View permanent and temporary exhibits in two historic buildings that are connected and located in Münster’s Picassoplatz in the old section of the city, where a large picture of Picasso made from paving stones is set between the buildings.

One of the buildings, the Druffel’sche Hof, was originally constructed between 1784 and 1788 and is one of the city’s best examples of Classicist style architecture. It was attached to the neighboring Hensenbau building in the 1990s for the purpose of becoming a museum and their beautiful façades serve as an added interest to visit this location. Walk through this area of the city after visiting the museum to see the stately properties.

Shop at the museum store and have a refreshment at the café. Reach the Picasso Museum in the town center on Königsstrasse with parking at a nearby multistory car park. The museum is open most days except Monday and certain holidays. Admission is free for children under 6 years old and discounts are available for students and handicapped visitors. Wheelchair accessibility is provided.

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