Guimbitayan Beach

Guimbitayan Beach featuring general coastal views and tropical scenes

Swim, snorkel, scuba dive to a shipwreck or just relax on this attractive white-sand beach in northern Malapascua Island.

Whether you are seeking some solitude under the sun or want to swim, gaze at beautiful scenery or go on an undersea adventure, find your way to Guimbitayan Beach. This beautiful stretch of white sand and clear water is located on the small Philippines island of Malapascua.

Enjoy a swim in the cool water and bring a snorkel and mask with you to view the brightly colored tropical fish. Go deeper under the surface on a diving expedition, organized by one of the scuba centers on the island.

Explore the wreck of a Japanese World War II landing craft. The vessel was carrying bags of cement for a gun emplacement, but it was bombed before the cargo could be deposited. It lies at an average depth of about 10 feet (3 meters) and the hull is split into two pieces. Some of the bags of cement are still in the water.

Both novice divers and snorkelers can explore the wreck. It is included on some open water dive courses on the island. Look for marine life around the wreck, including octopuses, hermit crabs, banded sea snakes and yellow-tailed barracuda.

When you are back on the beach, enjoy a walk along the shoreline and stroll to the nearby lighthouse. Extend your wanderings with a saunter around the island by coastal paths and jungle paths that pass through villages. Malapascua is so small that the whole perimeter of the island can be walked in less than 3 hours.

To get to Guimbitayan Beach, fly to the international airport at Cebu. Then take a 3-hour bus or car ride to the port of Maya and from there a ferry or private boat. The ferry should take about 30 minutes. Find the beach in the northern part of the island. Some diving schools will arrange your pickup and transport from Cebu. Plan to stay overnight in one of the hotels within easy walking distance of the beach.

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