
Diamond showing signage, a statue or sculpture and heritage elements

Inspect the solemn tribute to the fallen from the Great Wars and use this central plaza as a base to explore the city.

The Diamond is a historic plaza that lies in the heart of Derry. Recognizable by its tall war memorial, the square is a popular gathering point among locals and vacationers. Spot the original gates of the city walls, which are all visible from this central part of the city.

Gaze up at the imposing Diamond War Memorial that focuses attention in the center of the square. Sculptor Vernon March designed and built the structure in 1927. Note the figures representing the Army and the Navy. The winged Angel of Victory symbolizes the Royal Air Force. Pay your respects to those who died in World War I and II.

Find out about the Diamond War Memorial Project, a charity that strives to improve relations on both sides of the Northern Ireland conflict. The project has shown that an equal number of Catholics and Protestants died during the Great Wars.

Learn about the history of the square, which has held three former town halls over the centuries. See the Northwest Baptist Church in the northern part of the plaza. Stroll through the Renaissance-style streets of the city, which are full of commercial outlets and designer boutiques. Reach the Derry City Walls and climb to higher ground for a panoramic view of Derry with the Diamond War Memorial rising above the buildings.

Dine at one of the restaurants with a view of the war memorial. Peruse the shops and cafés in this square. Visit the plaza on a weekend evening to see Derry come alive with revelers. Enjoy a few drinks at one of the bars and get to know the locals.

The Diamond marks the center of the city. Explore some of the intriguing attractions that surround it, such as St. Columb’s Cathedral, the Verbal Arts Centre and the Millennium Forum Theatre and Conference Centre. The gates of the city walls are a short journey in any direction from The Diamond.

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