Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn

Bonn showing night scenes

Behind a modern glass façade, this historic museum has an exceptional holding of archaeological treasures and a collection of artwork that spans centuries.

Peruse the captivating exhibitions at the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, also known as the LVR-Landesmuseum. The museum was founded when the Museum of Antiquities (Museum Rheinisch-Westfälischer Alterthümer) joined the Provincial Museum in a grand late 19th-century building. As one of the region’s oldest museums, the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn contains an impressive archaeological collection. Find intriguingly curated exhibitions of ancient artifacts displayed alongside modern works of art.

Spend some time admiring the museum’s façade. The 19th-century museum building was enlarged in 1907, but its older section was lost after extensive damage during World War II. Admire the contemporary update that brought the museum into the 21st century. A steel framework supports an immense glass façade that appears to enclose the historic structure. Enter the museum building and begin your exploration of its permanent exhibitions to see how the theme of old and new continues throughout the museum.

Check out the permanent archaeological exhibitions, which are arranged into themes regarding Rhineland, religion and landscape. Wander through the Stone Age exhibition to see an original Neanderthal skeleton, as well as relics from Oberkassel that date back to 11,000 B.C. See the evolution of humanity staged from ancient man to the early Celtic European cultures. Between displays of archaeological relics such as tools, gravestones and stonemasonry, you’ll see ornate religious-themed artworks and contemporary masterpieces. Peruse the photography exhibition to see work by some of Rhineland’s most notable names.

Grab a seat at the museum’s café and re-energize with a coffee or a snack. Situated between the glass façade and the old building, the café is the perfect spot to admire both architectural styles.

Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn is located to the southwest of central Bonn, neighboring the main railway station. It is easy to access on foot from the city center. The museum is open daily, except for Mondays and select public holidays. Opening hours are reduced on Saturdays. Children below the age of 18 enjoy free admission.

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