Slieve Gullion

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Situated in County Armagh, the Slieve Gullion mountain is a popular destination for trekking and hiking in Northern Ireland. It attracts visitors due to its impressive height and official designation as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Rising an imposing 1,800 feet above the forestland below, Slieve Gullion is the highest mountain in County Armagh.

Slieve Gullion lies at the centre the Ring of Gullion, a geological ring of hills in County Armargh. The mountain itself is in fact the worn away remnants of an ancient volcano – perhaps not what you would expect to find in Ireland! A walking trail to its peak will take you to a small lake and two ancient cairns – one from the Bronze Age and the other a Neolithic burial chamber. From here you can enjoy spectacular views that reach as far as Antrim, Dublin Bay and Wicklow.

If you’re keen on wildlife and conservation, you’ll also find Slieve Gullion and the Forest Park in which it lies are perfect for spotting rare flora and fauna. The mountain boasts lush mature forestland, heather and bare rock – all of which make the perfect habitat for small mammals such as the red squirrel, as well as an abundance of fascinating birdlife.

About an hour from Belfast via the A1, Slieve Gullion is an absolute must if you want a relaxing rural retreat in the ancient green heart of the Northern Irish countryside.