Ostuni Cathedral

Ostuni Cathedral showing religious elements, heritage architecture and street performance

Admire the marble interiors and the impressive frescoes that decorate this cathedral at the top of the Old Town hill.

With its elegant rose window and late Gothic design, the 15th-century Ostuni Cathedral is the standout feature in the city’s Old Town. Its interior is adorned with acclaimed works of art, mesmerizing ceiling patterns and opulent altars. Capture photos of the whitewashed façade from the spacious surroundings of its adjacent Piazza del Balio.

Sit on the cathedral steps and gaze up at the structure. Notice how the frontage is divided by two pilasters and has three entrances. Admire the carving of Madonna and Child on the central portal and inspect the various bas-reliefs and other intricate features. The highlight of the façade is the large rose window at its center. Count its 24 lines and 12 arches and spot the portrayals of the Twelve Apostles.

Enter the church to view its three spacious naves and take a look at the various Baroque chapels that are filled with spectacular works of art. See the Chapel of the Sacred Heart and the Chapel of the Immaculate. The Chapel of St. Mary of Sanità is known for its fresco of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Learn about the patron saints of the cathedral, which are St. Augustine, St. Orontius, St. Irene and St. Blaise.

Examine the intricate statue of Christ from the 15th century in the niche of the counter-façade. The cathedral owns several important historical artifacts, including almost 200 parchments that date back to the 1100s.

Sit at one of the café tables spilling into this Old World plaza and enjoy snacks and refreshments. Read a book in the serene square and watch people go by.

Ostuni Cathedral is in the heart of the hilltop Old Town area. Get around this historic district at the northern end of the city on foot. Visit nearby attractions, such as the Bishop’s Palace and the Museum of Preclassical Civilizations of Southern Murgia.

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