Cathedral of Salta

Salta Cathedral showing religious aspects, a church or cathedral and heritage architecture

The fascinating history and lavish interior are a good reason to visit this majestic Roman Catholic cathedral that adorns the central plaza of Salta.

Visit Salta Cathedral to appreciate this beautiful example of neocolonial Baroque architecture. Admire the frescoes inside and see monuments of some of Argentina’s important historical figures.

View the rose and peach-colored façade of the cathedral from a shady seat in the Plaza 9 de Julio and then walk through the columned entrance to the tranquil interior. Arrive in the evening to see the arches and towers illuminated by the light display.

Ponder the images of the crucified Christ and the Virgin Mary on either side of the altar. Read the story of how these images were found floating in a box off the coast of Peru and brought to Salta in the 16th century.

Learn about the tumultuous earthquakes that have shaken Salta throughout history and see the two images that feature in the story of how the Miracle of the Virgin saved the city.

Marvel at this site where the original church was constructed in 1582 from adobe and straw then rebuilt over the centuries until the current grand building was raised in 1858.

Appreciate the detailed frescoes and mosaics depicting holy scenes and stop to read the epitaphs of the famous Argentinian freedom fighters who fought for independence in this dry region. Stay for daily Mass to see the church fill with local community members.

Join the crowds watching the Miracle Festival that has taken place in September for the past 300 years. Experience the special atmosphere as pilgrims from all over the region gather for a week of devotions that begins with a ceremony to crown the holy statues at the cathedral. Discover the unique culture of the region at the colorful processions and masses held with Argentina’s bishops during this special time.

Check the opening hours of the cathedral online or at the tourist information center. The cathedral is within walking distance of a wide range of accommodations options and restaurants.

Visit the exquisite Salta Cathedral to appreciate the magnificent architectural design and cultural heritage of this site.

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