Roman Theatre

Roman Theatre showing a ruin

Imagine the electric atmosphere 2,000 years ago as Roman theatre enthusiasts waited in line to attend a hotly anticipated dramatic performance at this site.

The Roman Theatre is one of the archeological sites that remind visitors of the ancient civilization’s influential impact on Ankara. The walls and stage of the former home of dramatic performance remain intact as a fine example of Roman ingenuity. Almost 2,000 years ago, Romans cried and laughed as they watched a host of plays. Now, imagine the excitement of past ages as you gaze at the few walls and scattered rocks that are the only reminders of those entertaining playhouse days.

The theatre appears to date back to around A.D. 200, although it was also used by the Byzantine empire many centuries later. It was discovered in 1982, when a salvage excavation revealed the stage and seating area of the former theatre. At the time, they discovered many sculptures, which were moved to the nearby Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

When you arrive at the ruins, take a moment to imagine the excitement in the air as Roman families made their way to this very spot for a few hours of entertainment. Conjure up images in your mind of the makeup, costumes, applauding audiences and intense acting performances. See the spacious area of the Roman Theatre from the citadel and castle on a hill nearby.

In total, the theatre occupies a space of 164 by 143 feet (50 by 43.5 metres). Admire the symmetrical rows of small stumps that occupy the seating area. Experts believe the site had a capacity sufficient to fit between 3,000 and 5,000 spectators. Take a look around the main stage and backstage area. Admission to the site is free.

You can find the Roman Theatre in the Ulus region just north of the city centre. The Temple of Augustus and the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations are among other close attractions. The Ulus metro stop is a 5-mintue walk west from the Ancient Roman site. You can also take a bus to one of the many stops in the vicinity.

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